Friday, July 8, 2016

Codex Review: Vehicle Upgrades

‘Ello ‘ello ye bleedin’ gitz, this ‘ere be da thurd an’ final entry for Codex review: Wargear, da vehicle upgrades! After dis ‘ere gets done den we can move on to da importan’ bitz, da boyz demselves! We gonna take a right quick look at da snazzy upgrades fer yer Wagons and Trukks, plus dem stompy dreads an’ da like. ‘ere we go!

Just as before this review will cover the basic vehicle upgrades, any which are specific, like the Deff rolla for the Battlewagon will be reviewed with the Battlewagon.

Ork Vehicle Equipment:
Red paint job- Nothing makes a Trukk go faster than a nice coat of red paint, or some racing stripes for that matter (as long as they’re red). Orky believe that “Da red uns go fasta” as proven to be correct time and time again, Imperial intelligence still has yet to find out just how this happens for sure but it’s undeniable to anyone who sees just how fast Ork vehicles go.
One of the more interesting Ork upgrades available, painting a vehicle red (and paying the applicable points) does in fact make the vehicle go faster. Whilst moving Flat Out an Ork vehicle increases its speed by 1”. I find this upgrade more often than not un-necessary and usually will not make a difference in a game. If you have a Trukk or Warbuggy with red paint you increase its’ total move (Move + Flat out) from 24” to 25”, so potentially useful to get close enough to an objective it more likely has not won’t make much of a distance to getting closer to the enemy or into position to shoot next turn. I case of a Trukk you are usually 24” away from your opponent at the deployment step, so moving, flatting out, and then moving again in the next phase will net you 30” of movement, while doing the same with red paint is 31”, not a massive difference for a Trukk unit. It is however potentially more useful on non Fast vehicles such as Battlewagons or Supplemental Forge World units, as these models may only Flat Out 6” instead of 12”, that one extra inch may just help them. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of C

Reinforced ram- Most Ork Meks fit their vehicles with large rams made from scrap which allow the vehicle to plow through terrain and enemy units and barricades with ease. In some cases Meks find they don’t have a choice, as the drivers of these vehicles love ramming things and end up damaging the vehicle in the process.
Any Ork vehicles with this upgrade may Tank Shock or Ram as if it were a tank, in addition it counts its’ front armour as two higher during a Ram. When moving through dangerous terrain the vehicle may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests. These three abilities combined together make the Reinforce Ram one of the best dozer like upgrades available for vehicles, making it easier to move through terrain, being able to Tank Shock and Ram with non tanks, and counting the armour two higher will give Ork vehicles a sort of advantage on the table top, paired with their speed and high transport capacity Ork vehicles are not to be taken lightly. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of A

Stikkbomb chukka- A crude device that fires a volley of Stikkbombz into the foe sending them ducking for cover allowing the Ork unit to organize a charge against the now bewildered enemy forces.
I would have to say this is without a doubt one of the most useless equipment choices for vehicles for the Orks, if not in the entire game. Effectively it counts the unit as having equipped with assault grenades the turn it gets out a vehicle and charges, the problem comes from the small fact that almost all units in the Ork codex come with assault grenades as standard equipment. There are a total of 3 units that do not come with Stikkbombz on their profile and those are Painboy, Mad Dok Grotsnik, and Grots. Now this could be useful for a Painboy as he strikes at I3 using his ‘urty syringe, but more often than not your opponent will be swinging first anyway, The Mad Dok is equipped with a Power Klaw so he swings at I1 regardless of having assault grenades or not and Grots are I2, so there is nothing they can swing before anyway and even if they were faster or the same speed as something else buying a transport for Grots that they will be using to assault from is a laughable idea. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of F

Extra Armour- A fancy way of saying “Welding more scrap metal to the side of a Wagon”, Extra armour is adding a few pieces of armour to some of the more vulnerable parts of a Trukk or Wagon, such as the wheels, gas tanks or the drivers face. More often than not an “Armoured up” Trukk looks more like a pile of scrap than it did before the enhancement.
An upgrade that is almost universal to armies that have access to vehicle upgrades, Extra armour offers slight protection to a vehicle, treating Crew Stunned as Crew Shaken results instead. This can be useful to transports as it allows them to keep moving and not get bogged down by a lucky shot from the opponent. On more shooting focused battle tanks it can be useful in case enemy infantry get too close, you don’t want you tank being destroyed in combat because it’s not able to move away from any unit trying to assault it. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of C

Grot Riggers- Effectively Ork damage control for vehicles, Grot riggers make hasty repairs to vehicles during battle, riveting on new armour plates after a missile blasts through the side of a wagon, replacing tank tracks or even pushing the vehicle to a safe spot to repair it without getting shot, these little Mek minded Grots keep the tanks going well past when they should have been blown up.
A fairly useful upgrade, Grot riggers give any vehicle the It will not die special rule, effectively allowing the tank to repair mid battle without a Mek being present. More so useful on Battlewagons due to their high armour or Deff Dreads so they can keep going in combat over Trukks that usually don’t make it past a turn of shooting. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of B

Wreckin’ ball- Much as it sounds, a Wreckin’ ball is a large crane like arm that is usually fitted with a spiked ball or other sort of large dense object that an Ork operator will swig into enemy vehicles as they race by. Nothing is more satisfactory to the Ork controlling it than to hear a large crash and see parts of a vehicle flying away, as a huge rent leaves it crippled.
The only Ork vehicle equipments that add an additional weapon to the vehicle, the Wreckin’ ball is an extremely short range weapon with a threat range of 3” but what it lacks in range it makes up for in power. Every time you use this weapon it gets D3 S9 AP4 shots that work just like any normal shooting attack. Making a vehicle with a Wreckin’ ball quite possible of severely damaging another vehicle at short range, if not destroying it completely
. The power this weapon offers often outweighs the short range and point cost tied to it. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of B

Boarding planks- Large spiked planks that are often welded to the hull or set up with hinges, these allow a Mob of Orks to disembark much faster than normal from a vehicle, even if it hasn’t come to a complete stop yet.

A great piece of wargear for an Ork mob that loves to assault from vehicles, Boarding planks grant a +2” bonus to units disembarking that charge in the same turn (to a maximum of 12”). This helps the Boyz reach enemies in those hard to reach places. Overall this Vehicle equipment has a rating of A

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Codex Review: Relics

Greetin’s all to da secund part of the Codex review: Wargear, da Relics! A Relic is a supa spushal piece ok Orky kit full of Orky mumbo jumbo or Mekboyz secret gubbins an’ whatsits. Powahful bits that are dead killy when used propaly! So listen’ up an’ see what bits and bobs is best fer takin’!

One thing to note is I will be reviewing both Relics from Codex: Orks and Waaagh! Ghazghkull at the same time, so if there is anything I mention that you cannot find in the Main Ork book that is why.

Gifts of Gork and Mork:
Da Dead Shiny Shoota- Deadly, Shiny, and very shooty this weapon lives up to its name in strides. A Kustom double barreled shoota that always fires on full auto, (knowing Orks it probably can only fire on full auto) spraying down enemy units with a barrage of bullets. However the gun kicks like a bull Grox, so it’s not unusual for the stray bullet or ten to go into a nearby mob of Orks.
Da Dead Shiny Shoota (or DSS for short) works similar to a shoota; having a range of 18”, S4 and AP6, however it is better as it is Assault 6 and twin linked, so this gun can put out a lot of bullets, perfect for the more Dakka obsessed Warboss. The only real drawback is the “Stray Shot” special rule. Simply put, for every shot you miss (after re-rolls for twin linked) you roll a further D6, for each roll of a ‘1’ a unit of Orks that is within 6” of the target gets hit instead. That is of course if you think of the idea that your Warboss kills some random boy then it’s a boon more than a drawback. Overall this Relic has a rating of B

Da Finkin’ Kap- Not exactly Orky in nature, Da Finkin’ Kap was a piece of training equipment taken from a Schola Progenium that was combined with a snazzy Ork hat that showed the great plans and strategies from the Imperial Guard to whatever Ork set it atop their head. Flashing random scenarios and reports, any Ork keen enough to understand what he was seeing could incorporate these plans into his own army and crush the humans, using their own strategies against them.
Da Finkin’ Kap is an interesting Relic as it allows the Warlord to generate an additional Warlord trait from the Strategic Traits table. So while not outright powerful it could grant your army an advantage on a more strategic level, combined with the first Warlord Trait generated this could lead to your army having a major advantage and even enable them to outmaneuver your opponent. Overall this Relic has a rating of A

Da Fixer Upperz- Once belonging to a well known Mek that could seem to repair any vehicle, no matter just how wrecked and non-functional it was; these tools have been stolen, sold and re-stolen so many times no Ork truly knows if the tools they posses are the realy Fixer Upperz. But Orks being Orks, the sheer belief that these tools will do the job holds true.
Da Fixer Upperz are a decent Relic that has a low points cost and lets a more repair focused mek do his job better. Allowing repairing on a 3+ instead of a 5+ this can keep a Battlewagon or even a Stompa going strong even after getting blasted by enemy anti-tank weapons. Paired with a few Grot oilers and you’ll have nothing to worry about. Overall this Relic has a rating of B

Da Lucky Stikk- Originally owned by what could only be described as the luckiest Grot to ever live, well until he was sat on and killed by his master. Da Lucky Stikk is a Bosspole that is infused with unnaturally good luck and seems to keep the bearer from harm and misfortune everywhere they go. That is until of course the luck seems to stop and the wielder meets a serious of unfortunate event that leaves them less alive then how they woke up that day.
Da Lucky Stikk is most undeniably the best Relic in the Ork codex, if not the best Relic in the entire game. Granting a +1 WS bonus to the wielder and whatever unit he joins it works great as a combat boosting upgrade, but the real treat kicks in after that. In addition to +1 WS the wielder may also re-roll any failed to-hit, to-wound, or saving throws he takes. This leads to a particularly nasty Warboss that always seems to hit, wound and make his saves. It does come with a price however. If you fail three re-rolls in a single turn (Note this is player turn not game turn) the wielder is automatically removed from play with no saves allowed. Of course that is a small chance of happening and well worth all the benefits. Overall this Relic has a rating of A

Headwhoppa’s Killchoppa- A seemingly normal looking Big choppa that has a tendency to always find a way to decapitate whomever it hits. Originally belonging to Grand Warboss Headwhoppa, this weapon has found its way to the hands of many different Ork tribes. Whether by intervention from Gork, Mork or even Khorne who knows for sure, one thing can be said however is this, many heads will fly and it will bring many cheers from the Boyz watching as a head goes sailing into the air before falling down into the enemy forces.   
A more interesting Relic, the Killchoppa acts like a normal Big choppa, however any roll to wound of a 6 gains the Rending and Instant Death special rules. Perfect for any Warboss that likes to kill anything bigger than himself, this Relic will sure make combat more interesting when heads start to fly. Overall this Relic has a rating of C

Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike- Once owned by a notorious Speed Freek Warboss, this Kustom bike has been modified , sold, stolen and re-sold so many times that it’s hard to tell where one Mek’s modification started and another ones ended. At the bikes for however it is still a monster sized bike with a large jet engine and Kustom dakkablastas than can turn anything it shoots at into a bloody pulp.
Similar to a normal Ork Warbike this Relic grants the wielder a 4+ armour save and counts his cover save as being 1 higher in a turn in which he went flat out. In addition he may flat out 18” rather than 12” and the Dakkagun is replaced by a more powerful Dakkablasta that has a 24” range with S6 AP3 and Assault 3 Twin linked, this Relic is perfect for any biker boss that wants more speed and even more Dakka. Overall this Relic has a rating of B

Orkimedes' Kustom Gubbinz:
Choppa of Da Ragnarork- A Big choppa that is said to be the very embodiment of Orkiness, Orkdom, and Orkitude, this weapon gains more power the more it fights until it reaches the point of pure Ork power and will unleash massive amounts of Waaagh1 energy that can destroy mountains with a single swing.  
Starting out like a typical Big choppa this weapon will increase in strength every player turn it kills models in close combat. Whenever one or more casualties are removed the Strength will increase by 1 and AP decrease by 1 until the max of +6 strength and AP 1, making this one dead killy Big choppa. Overall this Relic has a rating of B

Big Bosspole- Said to be the original Bosspole carried by the most fearsome Ork Warboss that ever lived, Ghazghkull Thraka, this has been sold off to so many times over the years to different Warbands it’s hard to tell which Warboss has the true Big Bosspole, or if it really existed in the first place. Orks being Orks however, believe the tales and the Waaagh! Energy flows and the effect is still the same.
A rather simple Relic that makes the bearer and any unit he joins Fearless, it’s a good replacement for a standard Bosspole and makes sure the Boyz stay stuck in a fight. Not particularly powerful or granting multiple abilities it is still a useful piece of equipment. Overall this Relic has a rating of C

Da Supa-Cybork- What could only be described as a perfect blend of Ork physiology and technology, Da Supa-Cybork is an Ork that is the epitome of Orkiness. Far larger and stronger than the nastiest Meganob, Da Supa-Cybork caries the largest of weapons into battle, blasting away with kannon sized guns as if they were nothing.
More of a Wargear Relic than a weapon, Da Supa-Cybork grants the Feel no Pain, Eternal Warrior, and Relentless special rules. However the downside is the relic has a hefty price tag and doesn’t do all that much when realistically a Warboss on a Warbike will be immune to almost all instant death, gain Relentless, and a Painboy would grant not just him but his unit Feel no Pain. Falling short of actual practical use in the Codex there aren’t any weapons a Warboss can take that he would need relentless for. A neat idea but you’ll be hard pressed to find any of the special rules actually coming into effect short of Feel no Pain, Overall this Relic has a rating of F

Da Killa Klaw- A massive Power Klaw made from the deadly Iron claw wielded by a Khornate Soul Grinder, this Klaw has a reputation for being dead killy and glows with a red aura that seems to fill those nearby with dread.
Yet another Relic that falls short of potential greatness, Da Killa Klaw is a a normal Power Klaw that can substitute all its attacks for one attack that causes instant death. While seeming nice the fact is a Warboss is already strength 10 with a Klaw, and short of monstrous creatures there are few things he cannot already instantly kill. Being 15 more points than a typical Power Klaw this Relic doesn’t seem worth taking as using it practically will almost never happen. Overall this Relic has a rating of D

Mega Force Field- A Kustom force field that is said to be built from pieces of the shield generator that protected the massive Space Hulk ‘Wurld Killa’ afterit crashed on Armageddon.
Following the same rules as a Kustom force field with the difference of a 4+ invulnerable save to all models within 6” rather than a 5+, this Relic is perfect for those Ork Meks that like protecting their inventions from enemy fire. Overall this Relic has a rating of B

Kill-Dakka- Kill-Dakka is the prototype of the perfect weapon built by Big Mek Orkimedes, constantly being tweaked and worked on this weapon changes every time it is used but it can be said for sure it is impressive and dead killy.
A Ranged weapon that has a random profile this Relic falls short of being good and more so into the “possibly useful” range. The main downside being that the weapon has a random profile and you won’t know what it does until the beginning of the game, this could mean that you have a weapon that is almost useless on the model you took it for. Having a chance of being Heavy or short ranged it is more than possible you get stuck with a choice that you won’t end up using. Effectively being a variant of  a Deffgun, Skorcha, Supa shoota, Zapp gun, Grotzooka or Bubblechukka it is not something that you couldn’t easily get elsewhere in the army for less points and more reliability. For the point cost this Relic is just too random to be worth taking every time, if at all. Overall this Relic has a rating of D

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Codex Review: Wargear

Welcome to all da yoof to da first Codex review: Wargear. Warboss Skarbog 'ere wif lots of gud smarts about all you need to bash in a 'umies 'ead. Be it a Choppa, Shoota, or supa fast Trukk you'll learn it all 'ere! Now listen' close cuz I'm only gonna say dez once, yer gear iz yer friend, bestest friend you can 'ave, better den any sticky fingah'd Deffskull dat is.

So I'm opening up with Wargear for two good reasons. First it's important to know what the gear you take on your units actually does, having the boyz all kitted out with shiny shootas and snazzy armour is fine, but it wont help you if you don't know what it actually does. Secondly, it's really the first section in the actual meat and potatoes of the army building spot of the codex, so it only makes sense to go over it first. Do note, any gear that is specific to one unit will be found reviewed along with that unit when they are reviewed at a later time.

Basic Gear:
Slugga- The Slugga is one of the most basic Ork ranged weapons. A crude but simple pistol that is used as a short ranged side arm that doubles nicely as a bludgeoning tool once it runs out of ammo. 
A Slugga is a pretty standard pistol weapon; 12" range with a Strength of 4 and AP of 6. The 12" range may seem short but it's quite common for a pistol, the strength of 4 is also common with ranged weapons so it will wound most opponents on a 3+ or 4+, and with an AP of 6 it falls into the middle ground for pistols that are typically AP 5, 6, or -. Useful mostly due to the fact it counts as an additional weapon in close combat, giving Orks the nice added advantage that almost every unit will gain +1 attack. Overall this weapon has a rating of C

Choppa- A Choppa refers to basically anything that would be considered a good melee weapon for an Ork; a sharp machete, a hefty axe or mace, or even just a really long piece of pipe. 
Choppas are one of the more straightforward pieces of Orky Wargear, however they aren't anything special as far as melee weapons go. With an unmodified strength to the user and no AP to account for they act the same as every other races melee weapons. These are really only used in conjunction to pistol weapons to grant +1 attack in close combat. Other than that Choppas don't really serve a purpose, for even without a melee weapon a model still attacks as normal in combat. Overall this weapon has a rating of C

Stikkbombz- Even more crude than most other weapons, a Stikkbomb is a handheld explosive similar to grenades used by other races that are thrown just before a charge to force the enemies into cover or be hit by shrapnel. Unlike other races however, Stikkbombz are often quite unreliable, and usually end up being used as a club.
Stikkbombz act like normal assault grenades in the hands of an Ork, so can be thrown a short range in place of a ranged weapon. With a profile of Range 8", S3, AP-, Type Assault 1, blast, it is weaker than a Slugga, however with a blast instead of a single shot they can be useful against enemies that are clumped together. The other use for these weapons is that they allow Ork units to assault through cover without a penalty to their initiative, which is curious since most Orks are I2,so while useful against Tau and any unit equipped with unwieldy weapons, it's effectively useless against every other army. You can see why it's a free piece of wargear, short of throwing it in before a charge to get more hits than a Slugga, your game wouldn't change at all without this. Overall this Wargear has a rating of D

These three basic pieces of gear can be found carried by almost all units in the Ork codex and are often included without any additional cost. Simple in the extreme but quite effective in the hands of an Ork boy, nothing special but will sure get the job done. 

Ranged Weapons:
Shoota- Shootas are large noisy machine guns that are found all across an Ork Warband. Varying in design; drum or belt fed, clips, sights and muzzle breaks. One thing can be said for sure, It has the dakka for the job. 
The shoota is a nice piece of gear for an Ork that wants slightly more firepower in exchange of combat capabilities. with a profile of being Range 18", S4, AP6, Assault 2 this weapon is good for putting more bullets down at further range but still allowing the wielder the flexibility of being able to move, shoot and then assault in the same turn. Having the same Strength and AP potential as the Slugga this weapon isn't any more powerful, but getting the extra shot at an additional 6" does mean the possibility of more casualties earlier on. Only real downside to this weapon is you will lose that +1 attack in combat as it's an assault weapon instead of a pistol. Overall this weapon has a rating of C

Twin-linked shoota- A true feat of Ork engineering, the twin shoota was designed by the brightest of Ork Meks, combining two shootas together with duct tape and nails for even more sustained fire power!
Just like the Shoota, the Twin-linked Shoota replaces the Slugga for more fire power, unlike the Shoota though, it increases the chance of causing wounds. Being Twin linked, this weapon allows re-rolls on failed 'to-hit', increasing the overall amount of hits scored by the wielder throughout the course of a game. This weapon is often a good choice if you want to have more firepower but don't want to pay quite so many points to do so. Overall this weapon has a rating of C

Kombi-weapon- Kombi weapons are simple and to the point, the mass produced and time tested shoota combined with either a Skorcha or Rokkit launcha to give the more tactically minded Ork some variety of extra infantry or tank stopping power respectively. 
Getting into the more situationally useful ranged weapons, the Kombi-weapon is one part Shoota and one part either Skorcha or Rokkit launcha. Having the same profile as a normal shoota this weapon can be used every turn as such, however once per game this weapon can be used as a single shot Heavy flamer or Krak missile. The Kombi-Skorcha is nice if you plan on fighting a lot of troops, being a Template weapon with S5 AP4 this will nicely burn quite a few infantry to death. Kombi-Rokkits on the other hand are nicer at trying to take down vehicles, with a Range 24", S8, AP3 and being Assault 1 this weapon is nice to have for those just in case situations where there is a vehicle that needs to be taken out, and being an assault weapon you can attack whatever troops drop out of the wreck! Alternatively this weapon can be turned against more elite foes such as Space Marines to get through their armour, but that should be saved as an last resort if there are no vehicles for you to target. Overall this weapon has a rating of B

Melee Weapons:
Big choppa- A Big choppa is, as it's name implies, a big Choppa! Ranging from simple large two handed swords to massive double edge chain weapons, the Big choppa is the weapon of choice for that Ork that really wants to cut his opponents in two and watch them desperately try and keep their organs inside their body. 
Big choppas are effective melee weapons, trading off the extra attack in combat for +2 strength and an AP of 5. These are quite useful as they allow the Ork wielder to wound most infantry on a 2+, deal with Monstrous Creatures and have a good chance on penetrating the rear armour of most tanks. Truly the only downside to this weapon is the lack of a significant AP value, being AP of 5 you'll be able to go through the armour of other Orks, some Eldar units and most Guardsmen but it doesn't help much against the Power armour of the Space Marines. Still, having a low point cost to upgrade a model with this weapon is quite useful to have around. Overall this weapon has a rating of B

Power klaw- A Power klaw is a one of the favored melee weapons among Orks that like to cause mass destruction the the front lines. Taking the form of large cutting sheers or powered blades, this weapon can crush even the most heavily armoured into the ground, or in two or three pieces.
Truly one of the most commonly used melee weapon upgrades in an Ork army, the Power klaw is the answer to most Ork problems. Great for cutting through Power Armour and Terminator Armour, even crushing most hardened Tanks and Walkers. It's a rare sight indeed to not see a Warboss and many Nobz taking this weapon. Effectively a Power fist, granting x2 Strength and AP2 at the expense of being a specialist weapon and unwieldy, quite a small price to pay since all Ork weapons besides Choppas do not grant an extra attack, and Orks tend to swing last with having the low initiative that they do. Overall this weapon has a rating of A

Runts & Squigs:
Ammo runt- Basically a Grot slave that is forced into battle bringing a bag full of extra ammo and guns for his Orky master. 
Quite frankly one of the more useful one time only use upgrades available to the Orks, an Ammo runt allows a re-roll of a singe 'to hit' dice for a shooting attack. Great paired with the Kombi-weapon w/ rokkit launcha to have a better change of hitting the target or the odd weapons Mek's take into battle. Up to three can be taken for a low price, including these would not be a bad idea. Overall this Wargear has a rating of B

Grot oiler- Similar in design to an Ammo runt, a Grot oiler is an assistant to an Orky master, but instead of carrying spare ammo he instead carries spare tools and wires and assists in the patching of vehicles during the middle of a fight.
Perfect for the more support minded Mek that is spending their time fixing vehicles more often than anything else, Grot oilers can be used to allow a Mek to re-roll any failed repair check on a vehicle. Really no reason for a Mek to not be accompanied by these guys into battle to make sure the tanks keep rolling like they should. Overall this Wargear has a rating of B

Grot orderly- A special sort of Grot that assists a Dok in his mad surgeries and experiments, fetching different tools, collecting teef pulled from patients and looking for a different leg or arm in a bin box if the one the Dok is working on doesn't seem to work anymore. 
Similar to how a Grot oiler helps a Mek with repairs a Grot orderly helps a Dok keep an Ork from dying, allowing the re-roll of a single failed feel no pain check. The downside is unlike the other two Grot assistant upgrades you can only have one Grot orderly per Dok, so you'll find yourself saving it for a rather dire situation. Overall this Wargear has a rating of C

Attack squig- One of the most viscous types of Squiggly beasts raised by the Orks,  it's no surprise that bigger Ork bosses like to bring out these snarling monsters and let them loose on the battlefield, watching them run around ripping out throats and legs and other vulnerable places. 
Unlike the other pieces of Wargear available the Attack squig is not one that you'll be finding useful in every game, or worth the point price tag on it. This upgrade effectively allows one weapon to become master crafted, allowing a single re-roll of a failed 'to-hit' roll in combat. While at first appearing useful as you can get a second chance to hit in a situation that really calls for it. The main disappointment of this option is the knowledge that most all other army codex have a similar Wargear option or rule that is typically more useful (Such as the Tyranid Old Adversary ability, allowing re-rolls of all 1's on the 'to-hit' in combat) or cheaper in points (Such as Space Marines Salamanders chapter tactic that allows all characters to make a single weapon master crafted with no additional points cost). Overall this Wargear has a rating of D

Orky Know-wots:
Bosspole- A large trophy pole that is used to show off a particularly tough Ork's kill markings and heads taken from favored opponents. When the boyz get out of line the Ork usually beats them with the Bosspole till they get back into order.
An almost mandatory piece of Wargear, it's great for keeping your hordes in check. Allowing you to re-roll the Mob Rule results, other than the Breaking Heads, if you fail a Morale or Pinning check. This is useful in the situation where you're already stuck in combat and want to try and roll for a Born to Fight result, or if the mob has happened to fall below 10 boys and you don't want to fall back or be pinned. Overall this Wargear has a rating of B

Cybork body- A rough catch-all phrase that applies to an Ork that has gone through cybernetic work, from the simply telescoping arm to a more complex scanner eye. 
One of the more disappointing pieces of Wargear that was rolled over from the previous edition that got significantly worse, upgrading an Ork with a Cybork body gives him a 6+ Feel no Pain. Often taken for the 'just in case' factor of it you're shot by a weapon with a low AP. The only real saving grace for this Wargear is the low point cost, but realistically it's not going to be a great boon to take. Overall this Wargear has a rating of D

Gitfinda- A special tool used by Orks that enjoying gunning down their foes, and want to have a more accurate shot. From something as complex ans a built in cranial targeting array to as simple as a really big magnifying glass. 
A cheap upgrade granting an Ork Ballistic Skill of 3 in any phase that he did not move, great for those models with long range weapons. Overall this Wargear has a rating of B

Warbike- An impressively loud and large bike festooned with fat tires for off road driving, spikes and blades for an Ork with the sense of humor to charge into his enemy and let the bike do the work, and huge unbalanced guns that can cause the driver to swerve out of control every time he fires. These are just a few things that a Warbike offers to their riders. 
One of the more expensive upgrades but comes with the most benefits. Changing the unit type from Infantry to Bikes, this doubles the models movements, ignores difficult terrain, grants the ability to go flat out in place of running, adding +1 toughness, allowing the model to jink and finally giving them relentless so they can fire all those big weapons on the go. This Wargear makes the Ork riding it faster, tougher, and deadlier. Quite the combination for an Ork. This Wargear has a rating of A

'eavy armour- A catch all term for heavier than standard Ork armour, 'eavy armour typically consists of large pieces of metal hammered into the shape of the wearer that protects them from most incoming small arms fire. Though it can be heavy and cumbersome the protection it offers is well worth it.
Quite effective and relatively low points cost, 'eavy armour is a great choice for a Warboss and his personal guard. Granting them a 4+ armour save keeping them safe from most basic shooting and melee weapons. While  the cost does add up outfitting standard Ork boyz with 'eavy armour, the protection is quite worth the extra cost. Overall this Wargear has a rating of B

Mega armour- Even heavier than 'eavy armour, Mega armour is a large exo-suit that is built with slabs of armour (typically taken from battle tanks)  to protect the wearer from basically everything. Short of actually riding inside a battle fortress this armour makes the wearer feel invulnerable, and it shows in battle as mobs of mega armoured Orks charge forward with reckless abandon stopping for nothing before getting into combat and running their opponents into smears on the ground. 
Offering even more protection than 'eavy armour, Mega armour grants the wearer a 2+ save, but at the downside of becoming bulky and Slow and Purposeful. Typically that is of little consequence as a unit of Mega armoured Orks will have a ride into combat aboard a Trukk or Battlewagon. All but the most powerful weapons will bounce off of this armour, keeping your battle hardened Orks safe while they get stuck in. Typically Mega armour also comes with a Power klaw and a Twin-linked shoota, any opponent would be wise not to underestimate a unit of Orks with this upgrade. Overall this Wargear has a rating of A

Skarbog's First Announcement (Blog goals and agenda)

Skarbog 'ere at da biggest and best listin' post on da tubes. Just a simple Warboss from the Blood Axes klan with loads of smarts to unload onto da yoofs looking to learn how to be a propa Ork. Simply put (for those that don't like to read Ork for any longer than necessary) I'm creating a blog through which I can share my experience of being an Ork, and pass on what information I have gathered from years of playing Warhammer 40k. Playing Orks for going on 8 years in 3 different editions I have changed my army multiple times to be the most effective, and have more games and hobby time under my belt than I can count. I'll share my thoughts and views on the current rule set, codex entries, supplements and models.

 More or less what I have planned is to go through the codex first, doing a unit by unit review with a simple format for each entry to show what I think of those units; their strengths and weaknesses, so you the reader can make a more informed decision on which units you want to include in your Waaagh! Band. I plan on giving a brief description of the unit/wargear, go over stats, list Pros vs Cons and then grade a unit simply A-F on how I find them to be. Of course this is just my opinion so many may agree or disagree which is fine since we all have different tactics. But us Blood Axes is da smartest Orks, planning out da battles propa, hit 'em 'ard and fast when dez least spectin' it. Oh, and don't forget yer extra ammo, kickin' grots are there for a reason!

Rating system:
A- Awesome, showing this is one of the best options available to you, take at all costs.
B- Good, a rating that shows you want to try and include this in your list.
C- Simply average, not good, but not bad.
D- Poor, showing that is is lacking just enough that you'll want to avoid, but doesn't mean cannot be included in some cases.
F- Terrible, reserved for options that are just so bad there is no reason to take them.

 After I'm done with the codex review the next item on the agenda is general tactics. How to build your army; things you should do in a game, which units best work against which opponents and the like. After that it's up in the air what will be posted, so keep an eye out for upcoming content!